Magi astrology mars juno aspect
Magi astrology mars juno aspect

magi astrology mars juno aspect

The Impossible Dream Clash Celebrity couples with this clash The Nuclear Clash is best worked with by “agreeing to disagree.” Since there will never be a meeting of the minds on certain issues, in order to stay together the couple must learn to accept these differences and leave them alone. Couples with Nuclear Clashes often don’t stay together for long- these key differences just don’t let the relationship take root and grow. Often these are differences in key areas that are integral to the way each person lives their lives. Represents major differences between the couple that can never be resolved. midpoint clash with Jupiter, Sun or Earth. One Heartbreak Clash can also be overpowered by three Cinderella Linkages under certain circumstances. More information on the importance of a favorable wedding date: Magi Weddings. The Heartbreak Clash can be overcome by a perfect or nearly-perfect wedding date. This seems to happen even when the couple truly loves each other and the Saturn person has no intention of doing harm. The Saturn person (the person who contributes the Saturn to the inter-aspect) is more often the heart-breaker, and the Chiron (or Romance Planet) person is more often the one who ends up with the broken heart. Often there are many, smaller heartbreaks along the way. These clashes can hold a couple together with the illusion of love, sometimes for years, before disappointment sets in and the clash ultimately breaks one or both of their hearts. These clashes often begins with a powerful attraction.

magi astrology mars juno aspect

Additional heartbreak-type clashes are Saturn clashes with the other Romance Planets, Venus and Neptune. midpoint clash with Chiron, Sun or Earth. The classic heartbreak clash is a Saturn-Chiron clash, or Sat./Chi. The two most difficult clashes are the Heartbreak Clash and the Nuclear Clash. Several serious clashes are known for their ability to cause trouble in all types of relationships- love relationships, friendships, and business associations. Also considered to be Clashes are the Quincunx, Contra-parallel, and Contra-latitude IF the aspect includes a Saturnian Planet.

magi astrology mars juno aspect

These include all Squares and Oppositions. Some of the most universally helpful work has been in the field of human relationships – isolating the causes of relationship stress and breakups, and of undue control of one partner over another: these are Clashes and Captivations and Magi Astrology.Ĭlashes and Turbulent Aspects are terms in Magi Astrology for stressful aspect angles in any of the Four Dimensions of Magi Astrology. Online Lesson 6: Clashes and Captivations in Magi Astrologyģ0 years of Magi Society research has revealed a number of astrological principles that differ from those of other astrological systems.

Magi astrology mars juno aspect